NHS 24 NATIONAL HELPLINE (24 hrs): 111
Emergency Dentist (Chalmers Dental Centre): 0131 536 4800
Emergency Sexual Health (Chalmers Sexual Health Centre): 0131 536 1070, also daily drop-in option 8.30am-10am Mon-Fri at Chalmers Sexual Health Centre, 2a Chalmers Street, Edinburgh EH3 9ES
Edinburgh Council: (Main switchboard) 0131 200 2000
Police Scotland: 101
Social Care Direct: 0131 200 2324
Emergency Social Work Services (out of hours only): 0800 731 6969
Housing Emergency Out of Hours: 0800 032 5968
STREETWORK Crisis Centre (support service for anyone homeless in Edinburgh): 0808 178 2323
MHAS (emergency mental health assessment outwith Community mental health teams): 0131 537 6000
Mental health CRISIS Centre helpline 0808 801 0414 (24 hour), Textphone 07974 429 075 (24 hour)
BREATHING SPACE helpline (mental health support): 0800 838587 Mon-Thur 6pm-2am Fri 6pm - Mon 6am
SAMARITANS: 08457 909090 (24hour)
Edinburgh and Lothian Council on Alcohol (ELCA): 0131 337 8188
DOMESTIC ABUSE helpline: 0800 027 1234 (24hrs - free)
Edinburgh Women's Aid: 0131 315 8110
Shakti Women's Aid (for BME women): 0131 475 2399
Broken Rainbow (LGBTQ* people experiencing Domestic Abuse): 0300 999 5428
Survivors Scotland (for survivors of childhood sexual abuse): www.survivorscotland.org.uk